Colin In Canada

Friday, 12 October 2007

Out in Okotoks

I've had a pretty good day so far in Okotoks, having successfully set up a bank account and buying a Subway, but failing to get an Alberta driving licence and a webcam.

On the way out of the home, I was barricaded in by John's diminutive housekeeper, which wouldn't let me get to the door. But I outsmarted it with a cardboard box and escaped!
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  • I'm gld that you survived your ordeal with the hoover, sounds like a close shave!! Sorry that you werent able to get the driving license, what car were you going to be driving anyway? Hope that your money lasts a long time and that you manage to get a job ;) Have fun!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 13 October 2007 at 01:12  

  • Loved the aerial photographs and newsy update thankyou. Sounds like you have the world at your feet and will be able to do just about anything.

    We waved Dad off this morning and David is pleased to have his multi-purpose room back for car tuning. He is getting psyched up for a good challenge on Sunday afternoon.

    A dull, mild day here - NOT gliding weather, autumn garden clearing, me thinks. We'll send you some pics of the plot once action starts on the block and beams. Have a good weekend. Love Mum et al. xxxx

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 13 October 2007 at 01:45  

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