Colin In Canada

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Last Wednesday (Trapper's Dance Party)

Wednesday nights at Trapper's are 'Dance Party' nights. So-called because 2 tables are moved slightly to allow drunk people to fall over, synchronised, in time to the music, and that music is the same old tune(s) just a little louder. Most people just use it as an excuse for a regular night out when you know there will always be company.

Normally, I go to Trapper's on a pretty irregular basis, making an effort on special occasions like when there is an EVEN number of people wanting to play pool... But last Wednesday I'd been to the hot tub and was thirsty, there was an unusual number of people on hill, and I'd also had a windfall of $20 Sunshine Dollars. These notes, also called Ralph Bucks (named after Ralph Scurfield who owns this place), can only be used whole so you'd better buy as close to $10 (or more) worth of drink as possible. Those are then drunk pretty quickly, just like me... I eventually made it back to bed under (I think) my own steam, but not before snapping a few piccies of mates at the event.

Next morning, I woke up with drunk eyes. Something similar to taking toddlers on a long walk, one will go where you want without grumbling and the other eventually follows rather reluctantly. Then they swap roles... But I sobered up with a Breakfast Bagel/Eye Opener/Mountain Egger/Morning Muffin/McSunshine (egg, bacon, cheese, lettuce, tomato on bagel, traditionally eaten in the gondola in the cold dark on the way to work), and at least I was working at the bottom with an assistant to help with the difficult tasks like counting SlopeTrackers (there is normally about 24).
Listen with me: Athlete - Wires (listen on good quality speakers/headphones with the volume up...)
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