Colin In Canada

Saturday, 3 May 2008

More Evening Footie

We'd organised another game of football (sorry, soccer) for Tuesday evening- however, due to a pretty extreme blizzard, it was called off and postponed to Thursday. Thursday came around, and the weather was excellent so we had a match. It was originally meant to be a tournament, however we didn't really have enough people, enough desire to be organised, or enough consistency in who was playing to be able to do this. I took a side seat during the match, mainly because I had a trapped nerve in my elbow but also because I'm terrible at soccer, so took some photos.

There was a fair chunk of people who couldn't play on Thursday; this was Sunshine Village Fire Crew. With their ungainly and slow, but all-terrain fire engine (one of the snow cats with a tank on a trailer), they proceeded to climb on top of Laryx roof and ice the trees behind. Apparently, they did this to 'feel more comfortable on a roof', but in reality I'm sure it was just for fun...

This is our slope-side staff accommodation Sunburst. Don't know if I've shown you it before...
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  • Dear Colin - We have been reading some of your recent blogs, but then not being a skier we don't always appreciate the expertise.
    However it must have been wonderful meeting up with D and M again after all the time away, and being able to share the slopes and runs with them. No doubt they gave you our news that we are doing a similar holiday starting the 1st June.

    D/M have sent us a few e-mails from CANADA and the last one was awonderful picture of them on a tandem - perhaps you received it as well

    While you have been away we have both acquired new cars - I have got a NEW (first ever!) micra and Mike has a NEW Skoda octavia. All very nice (and expensive!).

    Nothing much else to say except we hope that the final days in Canada will be good as I think you are going to be doing some gliding.

    Love from us both, Grandma & Mike XX

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 13 May 2008 at 08:29  

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