Friday Evening Again!
It was that time of the week again, when one of the lifts gets opened after hours for the staff and the lucky punters who are let in on the secret.
I'd already skied on Goat's Eye after I'd finished in the office- but that was a disaster, I tried skiing a double-black I'd not done before (Hell's Kitchen), and found the snow so wet and stodgy it was impossible to turn.
But after putting my laundry in, I went out for a ski on Standish with a few friends, and finding it icy as heck I soon retired to the BBQ...
Hey Colin!
I have been immensely busy lately, but here is a quick update for you. I am finishing up with Gap on Wednesday, as I am now working for Apple, as their new store is opening in Vancouver soon! It's going to be a blast, especially opening week (unfortunately, I am sworn to secrecy, so I can't say when we're opening, but I will say SOON!). It's been interesting learning how to sell laptops and iPods as opposed to clothing, but I think I'll get the hang of it!
I was shocked to see you're still getting heavy dumps of snow over with you, although it has been pretty wet here lately, not spring/summer at all!
Anywho, hope you're enjoying your final week in Banff, and if I don't hear from you beforehand, have a safe journey back to Blighty!
Will Holmes, At
13 May 2008 at 09:29
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