Colin In Canada

Saturday, 17 May 2008


Due to swapping with Dayna so she could have Saturday off, and I could have a break midweek, Tuesday was an unexpected (but welcome) day off for me. Unfortunately, it was grey, and drizzling, and a pretty depressing day to be on the mountain... (whereas Saturday was forecast to be 17 degrees and bluebird skies!!!), and even the lie-in after monopoly the previous night didn't take up enough of the morning!

But luckily, there was also Steve, Danny and Sam off on Tuesday, so we decided to go down town, shop, and have Sushi for lunch. Having never had Sushi before, I was quite intrigued...

There are 3 problems with Sushi- a) you can eat an infininte amount of it, b) all the best dishes are the most expensive, and c) many of the ingredients are unrecognisable. The Sushi in Banff that we went to (one of 3!) has a chef in the middle, and a small train which scoots around the outside of the chef, presenting you with the various dishes. Then the customers sit around the outside of the train, and take whatever dish takes their fancy. The plates are colour-coded to indicate the price, and when you've finished, the cashier counts up your plates and charges you appropriately. It's a very neat way of doing it, for instance you can combine or split 2 people's bills just by stacking the plates accordingly.

I found that problem a) does not apply to all people- I was soon feeling pretty full even though tasty dishes were being shunted past my nose on rolling stock. After paying our bills (I ended up spending about $18) and a trip to Safeway to re-stock for the final time, we drove back to the hill, and made ourselves comforable in Sam and Danny's room. I noticed they had a book I really wanted to read, so I sat down and started reading, to finally finish at 10:00 in the evening (as you might imagine, it was a particularly engrossing book...).


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