Bye bye Mike
Mike, one of my friends in Sunburst, got fired on Saturday. Something about being in bed when he was supposed to be working (he cleans the staff accommodation, and does a good job too!), although this wasn't his first time so this time he got told to be gone by tomorrow.
So, coming back from work and planning on a lazy evening on the third floor, I found myself on the first floor in Mike's room with a couple of Rye-Cokes in my hands... Needless to say, we eventually found ourselves stumbling around Trapper's discussing Chuck Norris, and saying our farewells over and over again... Although I hope that they replace him soon, on my favourite toilet the seat has broken loose...

Left, the seeing-off-party. Right, Mike. No idea where the money or cigar came from...
I am not sure we needed to know all about the health (if you can say that) of your "favourite toilet" seat - your content quality level has dissolved to zero at great haste (instantaneously) with that little inclusion!!
Anonymous, At
28 February 2008 at 12:14
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