Colin In Canada

Saturday, 5 January 2008

Post-Xmas Blues (I should compose that!)

When I say blues, I actually mean crowds. Although Boxing day was pretty chilled, the whole place just got more and more people added into the medley every day. Sunshine had its busiest day on the Friday with more than 7600 guests on the mountain, and a nice chunk of these seemed to want lessons. I hypothesised this was because people PARTY on Tuesday (xmas), PACK on Wednesday, PLANE on Thursday and PILE onto the PISTES on Friday (aren't I clever?!). Unfortunately, everyone was too busy to care about my word play. So I thought I'd share it with you guys (assuming there's more than one of you- raise your hands and leave a comment please!).

On one of these days, I think it might have been Thursday, I was drafted to help down in Daycare. Now, Daycare is a very calm place, where there isn't much screaming, running, crying or stropping, at least before 9:00. The staff are very well behaved. But then, the kids start to get dropped off. And kids are prised away from parents. And parents are prised away from kids. And kids are bribed with Froot Loops. And parents are bribed with "you can leave him/her with us!". And in the midst of all this, I am trying to milk the reluctant parents' wallets and keep the childproof (2' high) gate closed. It was really quite good fun, and it was quite a shame when I was called back up to the desk. But then I savoured the relative silence and mature company and relaxed, just a little. Those guys in there do a great job, day in, day out. And it's a long walk to Staff Cafe, which I just couldn't handle.

Here is some of David's photography- pretty nice, eh?

He took these while out having fun, while I worked.
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