Nightmare on Banff Ave
Hallowe'en in Canada is mostly a dressing up party with all-night drinking, so not the best combination for me; my lack of imagination and work early tomorrow meant that I took it easy. We had some drinks in one of the rooms, then headed over to the Magpie and Stump (Mexican pub) for, among other things, a big bowl of Nachos...

Myself and Rich picked up crutches from the rummage sale for $1 a pair, and along with some slings and bandages we went as 'injured people'

Vikings and female lumberjack...
Myself and Rich picked up crutches from the rummage sale for $1 a pair, and along with some slings and bandages we went as 'injured people'
Vikings and female lumberjack...
Rich and new gang member Warren at the Magpie and Stump, caught in the act of spilling his Jagerbomb...
I left a little early with Kate the Lumberjack, to take Jamie the Plastered Cowboy back up to the HI by taxi, which then dropped us off at the SameSun. Then a comparatively early night but I still missed my first alarm this morning!
Work today was nice and relaxed again, but I was putting out garbage just before dawn and found it getting whiter and whiter outside, and I was getting slightly wet! We had about 1/2 inch, which has now melted off the roads and pavements but has stayed on the grass. Latest news is that Sunshine is now making snow all the time on top of about 2' of natural powder, and the season should start 8th November.
hello colin, am here in warminster with barbara having had a very pampering two days at champneys, am realy impressed with the blog , a lovely way of receiving the latest news from canada ! loved the haloween costumes , keep the crutches as you might be able to sell them to injured novice skiers !!!!!!! MUCH LOVE XXX JX
Anonymous, At
1 November 2007 at 14:52
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