Colin In Canada

Thursday, 1 November 2007

Colin's World

Now I've moved onto the bottom bunk, I've been able to tidy my room enough to be presentable to all you folks. So here is my home:

The outside and the lobby. The hot tub room is on the right- for the time being, it is empty and is the new home to a single, stand alone toilet (not plumbed in)...

My bed, my locker, my black box.

My intensely (yes indeed!) tidy locker, and laptop. I can put the laptop on the top bunk and email in comfort, or put it in the box for security. It is always locked to my bed frame.
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  • Loved the photos and interesting newsy updates thanks. Jayne went gooey when she saw the deer, she wants to come to Canada naw. In fact, at Champneys she would stop doing whatever she was doing if she happened to spy a squirrel or bird etc. She has worn out her camera battery with all the photos but unfortunatey Dad's machine is not recognising her card at present so we cant give you a nice informative link. We are now off for a hot tub and I was tempted to leave the frog under the duck board for company but guess it might not care for avocado and cucumber shower gel. Tis a lovely starry night and we are pooped so I'll say goodnight and wish you all the best.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 1 November 2007 at 15:11  

  • Your abode really does look nice, for a youth hostel, its really quite luxurious! Glad that halloween went so well for you, and for someone with no imagination, the costumes were brilliant. Hope that one of your mates getting wasted didn't spoil your night, but all the best for the next week for you.

    Have fun!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 3 November 2007 at 05:18  

  • I thought your fancy dress outfits were superb, very well made up and great improvisation with props. I am not sure if dad has sent you our equivalent photos with Auntie J as Count Dracular, B as Buffy and yours truly went as Doctor De'Ath! We won a bottle of bubbly for our efforts... It was however, a sober affair compared to Hallowe'en Canadian style (Dad collected us from town at 11 pm!)

    All back to normal now with our visitors exported to Guernsey - it was great to have them here though. Next visitation in 2 weeks when Nan and Stan pop by.

    Can't wait to hear all about the new job, good luck with everything and we await your news. Love from all in blightey. xxx

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 5 November 2007 at 11:11  

  • Ahh the joys of single life, call that tough, Now when I was a lad........... ;-)

    Keep enjoyiong yourself, sleep later! Albert

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 6 November 2007 at 05:26  

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